Our own life's challenges can feel dark, heavy, or even impossible, let alone when you're trying to be a Helper/Healer in the world we live in right now!

Most people who start Supervision feel trapped in the reality of a field that is different than the one they thought they would enter. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe your creativity is nonexistent or you're noticing that you complain a lot about feeling stressed, tired, and unfulfilled.

Stuck in stress and feeling worried all the time, wondering if “am I doing enough for my clients?” you may feel like life is overwhelming, like it's too much.

Do You Feel Tired, Stressed, and a Little Lost?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • Your energy levels are at an all-time low.
  • You feel like you lack motivation to do anything, especially finish your CEUs.
  • You feel unable to do your day-to-day responsibilities without a twinge of dread.
  • You lost the positive outlook on your work that you used to have in life.
  • You feel like you are wandering through life, like something is missing or your balance is "off." (And worse, you feel like your clients can tell.)

If these sound true for you, we want you to know that in our society & field, we don’t talk about it enough, but what you are experiencing is normal. We are building a whole new profession in real time! Reaching out for Supervision can provide you with the support and encouragement you need.

You don’t have to keep putting yourself last, caring for everyone else before you take care of yourself. Both things can co-exist. 

Supervision Can Help You Be Your Human Self AND a Helper/Healer

It’s still possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could...

  • Work in ways that feel aligned, motivating, and make you feel confident.
  • Have improved attitude, mood, and reasonable productivity.
  • Figure out who you are as a Clinician and what direction to go in next.
  • Get to the root of some of your own struggles and solve those instead of using band-aids.
  • Change your life and the life of others for the better.

Navigate Clinical Challenges with Ease

Quality Supervision helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal work life with less stress & confusion - more calm and confidence!

You will get the effective clinical tools and new mindsets you need to prioritize yourself so you can take care of you, while you uncover your strengths and deal with the challenges that arise in your work.

Even if you are not sure another supervisor could help or that it is worth the investment, Supervision may be able to help.

I've supervised over a dozen Licensed or Credentialed folks over a dozen years, as well as levels support staff. I've worked clinically with everyone from infants in women's shelters, to geriatric inpatient psych and in psychosocial rehabilitation for adults with serious mental illness. All through art! And I've trained in many trauma-informed specialties such as TF-CBT, EMDR, Reiki, and Expressive Arts. If you're into Transpersonal work, I'm an Archetypal buff with training in Coaching from a Brain-Based, Somatic, and Transformational lens and I've taken courses in Intuitive and Evolutionary Astrology.

How Supervision Works

Supervision consists of 60-90 minutes meetings, online or in person in our warmly lit studio space. Depending on whether you are joining a group or engaging in individual supervision, I’ll help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, your Supervisor will motivate you with ideas and provide guidance based on their experience, unlike other supervision spaces I play an active role. Here’s how it will work step-by-step:

1. First, Let’s meet on a Consultation call to determine if we are a mutually good fit for Supervision services


2. Through hearing your story, your Supervisor will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.


3. Next You’ll think about your goals and ways you’d like to grow as a Clinician.


4. We will start by helping you with immediate concerns like managing present client concerns, difficult emotions, and challenging situations.


5. Keeping your unique goals in mind, You will also work together to discover your personal “ways of being” and showing up as a Therapist, build your skills and recognize your strengths.


6. Over the course of Supervision, you will start to see your clients making progress and feel more Calm, Confident and Grounded as a Clinician.


Research shows that the quality of Supervision can make or break your desire to stay in this field. You have more choice than you think you do!

Let’s Get Started

If you feel work right now is overwhelming, like it's too much and too directionless, Supervision could help.

Email joy@recreatingdawn.com to schedule a call so we can decide if I'm a good fit for your supervisory needs. I look forward to helping you become the most Healthy & Happy & Badass Clinician you can be!
